In the colder climates, not only will the mailman deliver in the rain, sleet, and snow, so should the food truck. Winter can be difficult. People don't want to come out and stand in line at the truck. But, there are ways to lure them out and additional methods to increase your food truck income.
Taking Advantage of Your Mobility
Your regulars probably still want to see you, and so do others, who without a food truck, may have to travel even further for their meal. Sure, people can bring lunch from home, but honestly, who wants to stay in the office all day? People naturally want a break, even if they have to take on the cold.
Change-up the Menu
One thing about food trucks, many tend to offer the same thing most of the time. For winter, change it up. Add a variety of soups, and a different comfort food daily. Be it mac and cheese, a pot pie and cornbread, or a kitchen-sink casserole, be sure it's hot and ready to go. Add more coffee, teas and hot chocolate with peppermint, hot apple cider, and other seasonal favorites. And, try some chewy, gooey brownies to offer on the side.

Offer Delivery
It may be advantageous to hire an additional person to deliver in cold weather. The number of orders you may receive from those who do want to stay in could pay for the extra help while upping your receipts.
Form Extended Relationship and Offer Catering on the Side
There are fairgrounds, meeting halls, and convention centers that may need food services, outside of their own kitchen, if they have one. A catering truck may have a more diverse offering and better pricing than other local caterers or kitchen help. Prepare a menu and set up a website, if you don't already have one, and pay such places a visit during your slow time. Share samples! When it comes to catering, you probably have an abundance of potential customers, already. The holiday office party may need your services or one of your regular customers who is planning their own party. Make sure you have flyers and menus ready to handout along with your business card, should the topic come up. Market yourself.
Plan Ahead
When all is said and done, if you still have some free time, plan ahead. The spring thaw is coming and with anticipation of that, you can plan new menu items and new marketing strategies. If you need help with additional food truck ideas, contact Gilkey Restaurant Consulting. With decades of experience in the food preparation consulting service, we aid restaurant and food truck owners in marketing and business strategies to grow their market. We've helped food businesses, large and small, around the country enhance their bottom line, and we can help you too! Contact us and let's get started today!